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Old 09-08-2004, 03:50 AM   #1
Orange Mole
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 69
API to (re-)index a virtual directory

The code below shortcuts the spider, it is an API that you can call from PHP script, telling PhpDig: for URL such-and-so, please put this list of words in your tables.

It is submitted here as-is, with no guarantee for completeness or correctness. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Most of the code is stolen from the "real" PhpDig code, and simplified to fit my needs.

Charter, please advise me on what I should put in my PHP script that includes this code to conform to the GNU GPL.


/*  The functions below inject urls and words directly into PhpDig's tables:
    keywords: key_id, twoletters, keyword (lowercase, accents removed)

    sites:    site_id, site_url (e.g. http://xx.yy.zz/), upddate, ...

    spider:   spider_id, site_id, upddate, num_words, first_words, 
                    path (e.g. uu/vv/ww/), file (e.g. index.php?sid=xxx), ...

    engine:   spider_id, key_id, weight
    The site must already exist, table 'sites' is not touched.
    Only iso-8859-1 is supported!
    The code underneath the functions shows how to re-index virtual directory 
    $path from an array $idt containing elements $url => $text

$phpDigInc = 'your_disk_and_directory.../183phpdig/includes/';
$phpDigIncCn = $phpDigInc. 'connect.php';  // to connect to PhpDig's database
$phpDigIncCw = $phpDigInc. 'common_words.txt';  // stopwords

function remove_virtual_directory($url, $path)
    $url = addslashes($url); $path = addslashes($path);
    $result = api_sql_query("SELECT site_id FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 
        "sites WHERE site_url = '$url'", __FILE__, __LINE__);  // find site
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $site_id = (int) $row['site_id'];
        $result = api_sql_query("SELECT spider_id FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 
            "spider WHERE site_id=" . $site_id . " AND path = '$path'", 
            __FILE__, __LINE__);  // find all pages in virtual directory
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
            api_sql_query("DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 
                "engine WHERE spider_id=" . (int)$row['spider_id'], 
                __FILE__, __LINE__);  // delete all references to keywords
            $aff .= ' +' . mysql_affected_rows();
        api_sql_query("DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 
            "spider WHERE site_id=" . $site_id . " AND path = '$path'", 
            __FILE__, __LINE__);  // delete all pages in virtual directory
        echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($path)), ' (site_id ', 
            $site_id, '): ', mysql_affected_rows(), $aff, 
            ' pages + word references removed from index.<br>';
        return $site_id;
    echo 'Site not in PhpDig database. Indexing is not possible...';
    return FALSE;

function index_words($site_id, $path, $file, $first_words, $keywords)
    global $common_words;
    $path = addslashes($path); $file = addslashes($file);
    $first_words = addslashes($first_words);
    api_sql_query("INSERT INTO " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 
        "spider SET path='$path',file='$file',first_words='$first_words'," . 
        "site_id='$site_id'", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    // do not set upddate,md5,num_words,last_modified,filesize
    $spider_id = mysql_insert_id(); $new = 0;
    foreach ($keywords as $key => $w)
    if (strlen($key) > SMALL_WORDS_SIZE and strlen($key) <= MAX_WORDS_SIZE and 
            !isset($common_words[$key]) and 
            ereg('^['.WORDS_CHARS_LATIN1.'#$]', $key))
        $result = api_sql_query("SELECT key_id FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 
            "keywords WHERE keyword = '" . addslashes($key) . "'", 
            __FILE__, __LINE__);
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
            api_sql_query("INSERT INTO " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 
                "keywords (keyword,twoletters) VALUES ('" . addslashes($key) . 
                "','" .addslashes(substr(str_replace('\\','',$key),0,2)) ."')", 
            __FILE__, __LINE__);
            $key_id = mysql_insert_id(); $new++;
            $keyid = mysql_fetch_row($result); $key_id = $keyid[0];
        api_sql_query("INSERT INTO " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 
            "engine (spider_id,key_id,weight) VALUES ($spider_id,$key_id,$w)", 
            __FILE__, __LINE__);
    echo '<tr><td>', $file, '</td><td>(spider_id ', $spider_id, 
        '):</td><td align="right">', count($keywords), ' kwds, ', 
        $new , ' new</td></tr>', "\n";

function get_first_words($text, $path, $id)
    $db_some_text = preg_replace("/([ ]{2}|\n|\r|\r\n)/" ," ", $text);
    if (strlen($db_some_text) > SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH) {
      $db_some_text = substr($db_some_text, 0, SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH) . "...";
    $titre_resume = $path . $id;
    if (($psc = strpos($titre_resume, 'scorm/')) !== FALSE)
        $titre_resume = substr($titre_resume, $psc + 6);
    if (($pth = strpos($titre_resume, '&thumb')) !== FALSE)
        $titre_resume = substr($titre_resume, 0, $pth);
    return $titre_resume."\n".$db_some_text;

function get_keywords($text)
    if (($token = strtok(phpdigEpureText($text), ' '))) $nbre_mots[$token] = 1;
    while (($token = strtok(' ')))
        $nbre_mots[$token] = ($nm = $nbre_mots[$token]) ? $nm + 1 : 1;
    return $nbre_mots;

function phpdigEpureText($text)
    $text = strtr(phpdigStripAccents(strtolower($text)), 'ÐÞ', 'ðþ');
    $text = ereg_replace('[^'.WORDS_CHARS_LATIN1.' \'._~@#$&%/=-]+',' ',$text);  // RH: was ' \'._~@#$:&%/;,=-]+', also below
    $text = ereg_replace('(['.WORDS_CHARS_LATIN1.'])[\'._~@#$&%/=-]+($|[[:space:]]$|[[:space:]]['.WORDS_CHARS_LATIN1.'])','\1\2',$text);
    // the next two repeated lines needed
    if (SMALL_WORDS_SIZE >= 1) {
      $text = ereg_replace('[[:space:]][^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'}[[:space:]]',' ',' '.$text.' ');
      $text = ereg_replace('[[:space:]][^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'}[[:space:]]',' ',' '.$text.' ');
    //$text = ereg_replace('\.+[[:space:]]|\.+$|\.{2,}',' ',$text);
    $text = ereg_replace('\.{2,}',' ',$text);
    $text = ereg_replace('^[[:space:]]*\.+',' ',$text);
    return trim(ereg_replace("[[:space:]]+"," ",$text));

function phpdigStripAccents($chaine)
    $chaine = str_replace('Æ','ae',str_replace('æ','ae',$chaine));
    return strtr($chaine, 'LETTERS_WITH_ACCENTS',  'SAME_WITHOUT_ACCENTS');

// REAL WORK STARTS HERE ------------------------------------------------------>
require($phpDigIncCn);  // switch to PhpDig DB

if (file_exists($phpDigIncCw))
    if (is_array($lines = @file($phpDigIncCw)))
        while (list($id,$word) = each($lines))
            $common_words[trim($word)] = 1;

define('SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH', 150);  // insert your own values
define('SMALL_WORDS_SIZE', 2);          // ...
define('MAX_WORDS_SIZE',50);            // ...

define('PHPDIG_ENCODING', 'iso-8859-1');        // a restriction of this API
define('WORDS_CHARS_LATIN1', '[:alnum:]ðþßµ');

foreach (array( 'A'=>'ÀÁÂÃÄÅ', 'a'=>'*áâãäå', 'O'=>'ÒÓÔÕÖØ', 'o'=>'òóôõöø', 
                'E'=>'ÈÉÊË', 'e'=>'èéêë', 'C'=>'Ç', 'c'=>'ç', 'I'=>'ÌÍÎÏ', 
                'i'=>'ì*îï', 'U'=>'ÙÚÛÜ', 'u'=>'ùúûü', 'Y'=>'Ý', 'y'=>'ÿý', 
                'N'=>'Ñ', 'n'=>'ñ') as $without => $allwith)
    foreach (explode('!', chunk_split($allwith, 1, '!')) as $with)
    if ($with)  // because last one will be empty!
        $letterswithout .= $without; $letterswith .= $with;
define('LETTERS_WITH_ACCENTS', $letterswith);
define('SAME_WITHOUT_ACCENTS', $letterswithout);

if (($site_id = remove_virtual_directory('http://yoursite/', $path . '/')))
    echo '<table>', "\n";
    foreach ($idt as $url => $text)
        index_words($site_id, $path, $url, 
            get_first_words($text, $path, $url), get_keywords($text));
    echo '</table>', "\n";
// possible enhancement: UPDATE spider record for still existing pages

if(isset($db)) mysql_select_db($mainDbName, $db);  // back to Dokeos
// eLearning platform Dokeos, see
René Haentjens, Ghent University
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Old 09-08-2004, 11:23 PM   #2
Orange Mole
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 69
Sorry about the Dokeos-specific function api_sql_query in the previous post. Here it is:
function api_sql_query($query,$file='',$line=0)

	if($line && !$result)

		die('SQL error in file <b>'.$file.'</b> at line <b>'.$line.'</b>'. 
		    ': <br>' . htmlspecialchars(strlen($query) < 200 ? 
		        $query : substr($query, 0, 197).'...'));  // RH

	return $result;
I hope there are no other Dokeos functions or variables...
René Haentjens, Ghent University
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Old 09-11-2004, 06:34 AM   #3
Head Mole
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 2,539
>> Charter, please advise me on what I should put in my PHP script that includes this code to conform to the GNU GPL.

Nothing special is needed, as modified GNU GPL code is still GNU GPL code.
Responses are offered on a voluntary if/as time is available basis, no guarantees. Double posting or bumping threads will not get your question answered any faster. No support via PM or email, responses not guaranteed. Thank you for your comprehension.
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