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Old 04-11-2004, 05:29 PM   #1
Green Mole
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5
Not recognising get variable pages

I have a page that serves most of my website named content.php. It always has a link from my index page, but calls the information from a MySQL database.

I am not getting dig to spider all my pages like:
instead it only sees:
which has no data in it. Not sure what the prob is.
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Old 04-11-2004, 07:44 PM   #2
Head Mole
Charter's Avatar
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 2,539
Hi. Using header redirects? If so, check this thread. Otherwise, what do you get on index when you uncommnet //print $answer."<br>\n"; in the robot_functions.php file?
Responses are offered on a voluntary if/as time is available basis, no guarantees. Double posting or bumping threads will not get your question answered any faster. No support via PM or email, responses not guaranteed. Thank you for your comprehension.
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Old 04-12-2004, 11:23 AM   #3
Green Mole
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5
Ok, so I got that figured out. And I even read around here enough to create my own customized page by making the output an array. Everything on it works great except for :
PHP Code:
I read the post about CONTENT_TEXT and i have it set to 1. I had it displaying the text before I made my own page.

Here is my search.php file.:

PHP Code:
PhpDig Version 1.6.x
This program is provided under the GNU/GPL license.
See the LICENSE file for more information.
All contributors are listed in the CREDITS file provided with this package.
PhpDig Website : [url][/url]
$relative_script_path './search';

if (
is_file("$relative_script_path/includes/config.php")) {
else {
"Cannot find config.php file.\n");

if (
is_file("$relative_script_path/libs/search_function.php")) {
else {
"Cannot find search_function.php file.\n");

// extract vars

$output phpdigSearch($id_connect$query_string$option$refine,
if (
is_file("search_page.php")) {
} else { exit(); }
And here is the code I am using to display the test:

PHP Code:

if (!empty($output['results'])) {
$num_out count($output['results']);
} else { 
$num_out 0; }
$num_start $lim_start 1;
$num_end $lim_start $num_out;

for (
$i=$num_start$i<=$num_end$i++) {
$i.". ";
$output2 $output['results'][$i];
 <?php echo $output2['page_link']; ?>
<?php echo $output2['text']; ?>
<?php echo $output2['update_date']; ?> | <?php echo $output2['weight']; ?><sup>%</sup> Accurate
<?php echo $output2['complete_path']; ?>

echo "<br><br>";
Thanks is advance
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Old 04-12-2004, 11:32 AM   #4
Green Mole
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5
And there are files in the text_content/ directory with information in the about each page
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Old 04-13-2004, 07:54 PM   #5
Head Mole
Charter's Avatar
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 2,539
Hi. Tried your code and it displays the content of the $output2['text']; variable. Is define('DISPLAY_SNIPPETS',true); set in the config file?
Responses are offered on a voluntary if/as time is available basis, no guarantees. Double posting or bumping threads will not get your question answered any faster. No support via PM or email, responses not guaranteed. Thank you for your comprehension.
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Old 04-14-2004, 03:30 PM   #6
Green Mole
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5
Yes, that is set, here is my config file:

PHP Code:

PhpDig Version 1.6.x
This program is provided under the GNU/GPL license.
See the LICENSE file for more information.
All contributors are listed in the CREDITS file provided with this package.
PhpDig Website : [url][/url]

//-------------CONFIGURATION FILE-------
//-------------PHP DIG------------------

if ((isset($relative_script_path)) && ($relative_script_path != ".") && ($relative_script_path != "..")&& ($relative_script_path != "./search")) {
if (
eregi("config.php",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) || eregi("config.php",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {


$phpdig_language "en"// cs, da, de, en, es, fr, gr, it, nl, no, pt
if (!isset($phpdig_language)) { $phpdig_language "en"; }

define('PHPDIG_ADM_AUTH','1');     // activates/deactivates the authentification functions
define('PHPDIG_ADM_USER','admin'); // username
define('PHPDIG_ADM_PASS','admin'); // password

//template file and style
$template "$relative_script_path/templates/simple.html";

define('HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND','#FFBB00');        //Highlighting background color
                                                 //Only for classic mode
define('HIGHLIGHT_COLOR','#000000');             //Highlighting text color
                                                 //Only for classic mode

define('LINK_TARGET','_blank');                  //Target for result links
define('WEIGHT_IMGSRC','./tpl_img/weight.gif');  //Baragraph image path
define('WEIGHT_HEIGHT','5');                     //Baragraph height
define('WEIGHT_WIDTH','50');                     //Max baragraph width

define('SEARCH_PAGE','search.php');              //The name of the search page

define('SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH',150);            //Max chars displayed in summary
define('SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH',150);            //Max chars displayed in each snippet

define('DISPLAY_SNIPPETS',true);                 //Display text snippets
define('DISPLAY_SNIPPETS_NUM',4);                //Max snippets to display
define('DISPLAY_SUMMARY',true);                 //Display description

define('PHPDIG_DATE_FORMAT','\1-\2-\3');         // Date format for last update
                                                 // \1 is year, \2 month and \3 day
define("END_OF_LINE_MARKER","\r\n");             // End of line marker - keep double quotes

define('SEARCH_BOX_SIZE',30);                    // Search box size
define('SEARCH_BOX_MAXLENGTH',50);               // Search box maxlength

define('PHPDIG_ENCODING','iso-8859-1');  // encoding for interface, search and indexing.
                                         // iso-8859-1, iso-8859-2, iso-8859-7, and 
                                         // windows-1251 supported in this version.

// replace/edit phpdig_string_subst/phpdig_words_chars for encodings as needed

$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-1'] = 'A:ÀÁÂÃÄÅ,a:*áâãäå,O:ÒÓÔÕÖØ,o:òóôõöø,E:ÈÉÊË,e:èéêë,C:Ç,c:ç,I:ÌÍÎÏ,i:ì*îï,U:ÙÚÛÜ,u:ùúûü,Y:Ý,y:ÿý,N:Ñ,n:ñ';
$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-2'] = 'A:ÁÂÄá,C:ÇÆÈ,D:ÏÐ,E:ÉËÊÌ,I:ÍÎ,L:Å¥£,N:ÑÒ,O:ÓÔÖÕ,R:ÀØ,S:¦ª©,T:Þ«,U:ÚÜÙÛ,Y:Ý,Z:¬¯®,a:áâäã±,c:çæè,d:ïð,e:éëêì,i:*î,l:åµ³,n:ñò,o:óôöõ,r:*ø,s:¶º¹,t:þ»,u:úüùû,y:ý,z:¼¿¾';
$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] = 'é:ßú,á:Ü,å:Ý,ç:Þ,ï:ü,õ:ýû,ù:þ';
$phpdig_string_subst['windows-1251'] = 'À:*,Á:á,Â:â,Ã:ã,Ä:ä,Å:å,Æ:æ,Ç:ç,È:è,É:é,Ê:ê,Ë:ë,Ì:ì,Í:*,Î:î,Ï:ï,Ð:ð,Ñ:ñ,Ò:ò,Ó:ó,Ô:ô,Õ:õ,Ö:ö,×:÷,Ø:ø,Ù:ù,Ú:ú,Û:û,Ü:ü,Ý:ý,Þ:þ,ß:ÿ';

$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-1'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ';
$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-2'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ';
$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-7'] = '[:alnum:]ÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÓÔÕÖ×ØÙ¢¸¹º¼¾¿ÚÛáâãäåæçèéêëì*îïðñóôõö÷øùÜÝÞßüýþúûÀ*';
$phpdig_words_chars['windows-1251'] = '[:alnum:]ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞß*áâãäåæçèéêëì*îïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ';

// start is AND OPERATOR, exact is EXACT PHRASE, and any is OR OPERATOR
define('SEARCH_DEFAULT_MODE','start');  // default search mode (start|exact|any)
// in language pack make the appropriate changes to 'w_begin', 'w_whole', and 'w_part'
// 'w_begin' => 'and operator', 'w_whole' => 'exact phrase', 'w_part' => 'or operator'

define('SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT',30);      //results per page

define('SPIDER_MAX_LIMIT',20);          //max recurse levels in spider
define('SPIDER_DEFAULT_LIMIT',3);       //default value
define('RESPIDER_LIMIT',4);             //recurse limit for update

define('LIMIT_DAYS',7);                 //default days before reindex a page

define('SMALL_WORDS_SIZE',2);           //words to not index
define('MAX_WORDS_SIZE',30);            //max word size
define('PHPDIG_EXCLUDE_COMMENT','<!-- phpdigExclude -->');
//comment to exclude a page part
define('PHPDIG_INCLUDE_COMMENT','<!-- phpdigInclude -->');
//comment to include a page part

define('PHPDIG_DEFAULT_INDEX',false);    //phpDig considers /index or /default
                                         //html, htm, php, asp, phtml as the
                                         //same as '/'
define('PHPDIG_SESSID_REMOVE',true);     // remove SIDS from indexed URLS
define('PHPDIG_SESSID_VAR','PHPSESSID'); // name of the SID variable

define('TITLE_WEIGHT',3);                //relative title weight
define('CHUNK_SIZE',2048);               //chunk size for regex processing

define('SUMMARY_LENGTH',500);            //length of results summary

define('TEXT_CONTENT_PATH','text_content/'); //Text content files path
define('CONTENT_TEXT',1);                    //Activates/deactivates the
                                             //storage of text content.
define('PHPDIG_IN_DOMAIN',false);            //allows phpdig jump hosts in the same
                                             //domain. If the host is "www.mydomain.tld",
                                             //domain is "mydomain.tld"

define('PHPDIG_LOGS',true);               //write logs

define('TEMP_FILENAME_LENGTH',8);         //filename length of temp files
// if using external tools with extension, use 4 for filename of length 8

define('NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE',-1);  //max number of results per site
                                          // use -1 to display all results

define('USE_RENICE_COMMAND','1');         //use renice for process priority

// if set to true is_executable used - set to '0' if is_executable is undefined
define('USE_IS_EXECUTABLE_COMMAND','1'); //use is_executable for external binaries

// if set to true, full path to external binary required
define('PHPDIG_OPTION_MSWORD','-s 8859-1');



// if external binary is not STDOUT or different extension is needed
// for example, use '.txt' if external binary writes to filename.txt

//---------FTP SETTINGS
define('FTP_ENABLE',0);//enable ftp content for distant PhpDig
define('FTP_HOST','<ftp host>'); //if distant PhpDig, ftp host;
define('FTP_PORT',21); //ftp port
define('FTP_PASV',1); //passive mode
define('FTP_PATH','<path to phpdig directory>'); //distant path from the ftp root
define('FTP_TEXT_PATH','text_content');//ftp path to text-content directory
define('FTP_USER','<ftp usename>');
define('FTP_PASS','<ftp password>');

// regular expression to ban useless external links in index

// regexp forbidden extensions - return sometimes text/html mime-type !!!

//----------HTML ENTITIES
$spec = array( "&amp" => "&",
"&agrave" => "*",
"&egrave" => "è",
"&ugrave" => "ù",
"&oacute;" => "ó",
"&eacute" => "é",
"&icirc" => "î",
"&ocirc" => "ô",
"&ucirc" => "û",
"&ecirc" => "ê",
"&ccedil" => "ç",
"&#156" => "oe",
"&gt" => " ",
"&lt" => " ",
"&deg" => " ",
"&apos" => "'",
"&quot" => " ",
"&acirc" => "â",
"&iuml" => "ï",
"&euml" => "ë",
"&auml" => "ä",
"&ouml" => "ö",
"&uuml" => "ü",
"&nbsp" => " ",
"&szlig" => "ß",
"&iacute" => "*",
"&reg" => " ",
"&copy" => " ",
"&aacute" => "á",
"&Aacute" => "Á",
"&eth" => "ð",
"&ETH" => "Ð",
"&Eacute" => "É",
"&Iacute" => "Í",
"&Oacute" => "Ó",
"&uacute" => "ú",
"&Uacute" => "Ú",
"&THORN" => "Þ",
"&thorn" => "þ",
"&Ouml" => "Ö",
"&aelig" => "æ",
"&AELIG" => "Æ",
"&aring" => "å",
"&Aring" => "Å",
"&oslash" => "ø",
"&Oslash" => "Ø"

//month names in iso dates
$month_names = array ('jan'=>1,

//apache multi indexes parameters
$apache_indexes = array (  "?N=A" => 1,
"?N=D" => 1,
"?M=A" => 1,
"?M=D" => 1,
"?S=A" => 1,
"?S=D" => 1,
"?D=A" => 1,
"?D=D" => 1,
"?C=N&amp;O=A" => 1,
"?C=M&amp;O=A" => 1,
"?C=S&amp;O=A" => 1,
"?C=D&amp;O=A" => 1,
"?C=N&amp;O=D" => 1,
"?C=M&amp;O=D" => 1,
"?C=S&amp;O=D" => 1,
"?C=D&amp;O=D" => 1);

//includes language file
if (is_file("$relative_script_path/locales/$phpdig_language-language.php")) {
elseif (
is_file("$relative_script_path/locales/en-language.php")) {
else {
"Unable to select language pack.\n");

//connection to database
if (is_file("$relative_script_path/includes/connect.php")) {
$no_connect)) {

//includes of libraries
if (is_file("$relative_script_path/libs/phpdig_functions.php")) {
else {
    die (
"Unable to find phpdig_functions.php file.\n");
if (
is_file("$relative_script_path/libs/function_phpdig_form.php")) {
else {
    die (
"Unable to find function_phpdig_form.php file.\n");
if (
is_file("$relative_script_path/libs/mysql_functions.php")) {
else {
    die (
"Unable to find mysql_functions.php file.\n");
if ((isset(
$template)) && (!is_file($template))) {
    die (
"Unable to locate template file.\n");

// parse encodings (create global $phpdigEncode);
// send encoding if needed
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('Content-type:text/html; Charset='.PHPDIG_ENCODING);
// turn off magic_quotes_sybase for escaping purposes
if (!isset(
$no_connect)) {
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Old 04-15-2004, 01:47 PM   #7
Head Mole
Charter's Avatar
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 2,539
Hi. I don't see a reason it shouldn't be working. I copied your code and it worked fine. What do you see when you look at the HTML source of the search results page?
Responses are offered on a voluntary if/as time is available basis, no guarantees. Double posting or bumping threads will not get your question answered any faster. No support via PM or email, responses not guaranteed. Thank you for your comprehension.
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Old 04-15-2004, 10:42 PM   #8
Green Mole
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5
I figured it out. The .txt files in /text_content weren't CHMOD readable. It works great now, thank you for all your help!
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