Originally posted by fr :: anonymus
Charter : A bug in you code =>
// Spidering ...
$my_spider_limit = 0;
while(($level <= $limit) && ($my_spider_limit < 15)) {
You must change && by OR :
// Spidering ...
$my_spider_limit = 0;
while(($level <= $limit) OR ($my_spider_limit < 15)) {
Spider must stop when
$level <= $limit
OR when
$my_spider_limit <15
Isn't it ?
Hi. Thanks, but in that code I wanted the 'and' in place.
It was meant as when $level <= $limit and when $my_spider_limit < 15 do the loop, but it was the wrong piece of code to edit because all it does is basically limit the seach depth to fourteen without affecting the number of links found in a page. Silly me.
Please see this thread instead.
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