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huge_nerd 12-14-2004 07:47 AM

First 5 results are blank?
i tried implementing thumbnails in my search results...which flopped...and now i get the first 5 search results coming up blank.....any idea what is going on

search for either mats or baskets or will see what i am talking about.


can someone tell me why it is doing this? or somethin...ugg :bang:

huge_nerd 12-14-2004 08:13 AM

i am going to update to 1.8.5 and see if that fixes the problem...i had 1.8.3

huge_nerd 12-14-2004 08:25 AM

Nope did not help at all... i do not know what or how at alll completely stumped..

Charter 12-14-2004 12:25 PM

Try running the following:

Clean index
Clean dictionary
Clean common words

and see if it helps.

huge_nerd 12-20-2004 07:16 AM

ahhh. i did that and it is still doing the five blank deal. I tried adding in an icon for each and then that is when everythign went down hill.

huge_nerd 12-21-2004 06:39 AM

what i did now was go into mysql and delete the pages in the database..waiting for site to spider so that i can see the results....i think it worlked.

vinyl-junkie 12-21-2004 05:48 PM

Did you know that you can delete those pages through the admin panel? Just click to highlight the site whose pages you want to delete, then click the Update Form button. On the next page, click the blue arrow to get a list of files in the desired directory. To delete individual files, click the red 'X' beside each file you want to delete.

BTW, you didn't tell us if deleting those files fixed your problem. Did it?

huge_nerd 01-04-2005 09:24 AM

i got it to work....what i did to get it to work was clear the tables and respider the site.

jmitchell 01-04-2005 10:18 AM

huge_nerd, which thumbnail script are you using? the automatic thumbnail script? or the manual one?

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