09-28-2005, 02:49 AM
This is a quick mod to display the response time per hour as a graph.
/!\ You need to have the GD lib installed. The PNG generated can only be protected using htaccess, if you only use PhpDig identification, the image can be seen by anybody.
Just place background.gif in PHPDIG/admin/img/ and response_time.php in PHPDIG/admin/.
In PHPDIG/admin/statistics.php line 53, add :
if($type == 'responsebyhour') {
<img src="response_time.php" alt="Response Time by Hour" width="444" height="250">
The graph is now displayed in the statistics page by clicking Response time by hour.
Now you can easily determine when response times are best/worst and when your search engine is most used.
The code is very dirty so don't hesitate to post a cleaner version.
/!\ You need to have the GD lib installed. The PNG generated can only be protected using htaccess, if you only use PhpDig identification, the image can be seen by anybody.
Just place background.gif in PHPDIG/admin/img/ and response_time.php in PHPDIG/admin/.
In PHPDIG/admin/statistics.php line 53, add :
if($type == 'responsebyhour') {
<img src="response_time.php" alt="Response Time by Hour" width="444" height="250">
The graph is now displayed in the statistics page by clicking Response time by hour.
Now you can easily determine when response times are best/worst and when your search engine is most used.
The code is very dirty so don't hesitate to post a cleaner version.